Source code for notification.views

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.http import Http404
from rest_framework import status
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.views import APIView
from notification.models import Notification
from notification.models import UserNotification
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from notification.serializer import NotificationSerializer
from notification.serializer import GetNotificationSerializer
from notification.serializer import UpdateNotificationSerializer

[docs]class NotificationViewList(APIView): """This class is an API for create and get all notification. """ serializer_class = NotificationSerializer
[docs] def add(self, user, data, receiver_set, type, link_item, reference_detail, format=None): """Create and save notification to database. Args: user: user who create notification. data: Json information of target of post receiver_set: set of receiver who will receive this notification. type: type of action that create this notification. link_item: information of action that create this notification. reference_detail: information of the post target object format: pattern for Web APIs. Return: """ receiver_set = receiver_set.exclude( notification = Notification.objects.create( user=User.objects.get(, target_id=data['target_id'], target_type=ContentType.objects.get(id=data['target_type']), text=data['text'], link_type=type, link_item=link_item, reference_detail=reference_detail ) for i in receiver_set: UserNotification( notification=notification, receiver=i ).save() return Response(status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
[docs] def get(self, request, format=None): """Get all of notification in database. Args: request: Django Rest Framework request object. format: pattern for Web APIs. Return: list of all notification in database. """ notification = Notification.objects.order_by('-datetime') response = self.serializer_class(notification, many=True) return Response(
[docs]class NotificationView(APIView): """This class is an API for get specific notification. """ serializer_class = GetNotificationSerializer
[docs] def get(self, request): """Get notification of specific user. Args: request: Django Rest Framework request object. format: pattern for Web APIs. Return: list of notification of that user. """ noti = Notification.objects.filter( receiver=self.request.user).order_by('-datetime') for i in noti: if self.request.user in i.readed.all(): = True else: = False response = self.serializer_class(noti, many=True) return Response(
[docs]class UpdateNotification(APIView): """This class is an API for update readed notification. """ serializer_class = UpdateNotificationSerializer
[docs] def get_object(self, noti_id): """Get notification object by id. Args: noti_id: id of notification. Return: notification object. """ try: return Notification.objects.get(id=noti_id) except Notification.DoesNotExist: raise Http404
[docs] def update_read(self, noti_id, format=None): """Update notification to readed by id. Args: noti_if: id of notification. format: pattern for Web APIs. Return: """ noti = self.get_object(noti_id) noti.readed.add(User.objects.get(
[docs] def get(self, request, noti_id, format=None): """Get notification in database and mark as readed. Args: request: Django Rest Framework request object. noti_id: id of notification. format: pattern for Web APIs. Return: updated notificaton. """ self.update_read(noti_id) notification = Notification.objects.get(id=noti_id) response = self.serializer_class(notification) return Response(